COOL BRAINFUCK CODE MADE BY NOBODY 1. +[,>,<-,+++.<.,<,+.+,>-,<+,>>.+-,+->><--,><<,><-,<>] This code seems to print out every ascii character. Impressive for a PRNG. 2. +[,,,>>>-+-<><><->.<,>><.>,--<,>>>-] This just infinitely prints out "ÿ". Pretty funny. 3. +[+><-.><.-,>+<+++<,.<<-+..>.->+<>--..><<->..<<.>>++,+<.<,>><.++.,.>->.,.,] AAAACCCCEEEE 4. +[>,.>.>,.+>>+>.+,++>>+-+>.><>,<-.>->>.+,,,..+,,>>><<-.<++,,>>+>>>-,-<+-+.,,,.>><-><>...>] Does cool stuff. 5. +[.-+->,-.>,-,++><<.+,<++,.+.,>.-.<-.] What the? 6. +[->+,-.<+>.+,,<.<-<->-+>..-+-,..<,----<+.<<.>-->-,<-] hey = gg 7. +[>.,+<+<+-.-,.->+>..+->+<+.+,<,] Infinitely prints out every ascii character in a terrifying loop. 8. +[>.<.+>,--,---.->>.<>+,-,+,>.<..-.<.,] Neat translator type thing. 9. +[----.,<>-] The character "a" becomes "ý\WRMHC>94/*%  ýøóîéäßÚÕÐËÆÁ¼·²­¨£ž™”Š…€{vqlgb]XSNID?:50+&! þùôïêåàÛÖÑÌǽ¸³®©¤Ÿš•‹†|wrmhc^YTOJE@;61,'" ÿúõðëæáÜ×ÒÍÈþ¹´¯ª¥ ›–‘Œ‡‚}xsnid_ZUPKFA<72-(# ". Holy shit. 10. +[+>,.<.<.] Prints out the first 2 characters of the input. Not much else to say. 11. +[>,.>-] Simple cat program. Surprising to find a program that does something somewhat useful. 12. >+[.>,.] DDooeess tthhiiss ttoo tthhee iinnppuutt.. 13. >+[><.,] Prints out the input, but repeats the last character infinitelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 14. >+[+.+-,.+] This one is interesting. It can detect if the number of characters in the input is even or odd. For example, if you inputted "hey" it would output something and terminate itself because "hey" has 3 letters, and is odd. If you inputted "test" it would loop forever, because it has 4 letters and is even. Very neat.